-BTC Bitcoin - first, strongest, most accepted, most mined, high volume market, a true currency
-LTC Litecoin - second only to BTC , faster than BTC, Smaller efficiency gap between GPUs and CPUs , ASIC-hostile
-NMC Namecoin merged mined with BTC, used for alternative p2p domain system
-PPC PPcoin Proof Of Stake [very innovative, low energy ] , compatibile with BTC miners
-TRC Terracoin based on BTC, fast difficulty adjustment, initialy flaved but corrected
-DVC Devcoin merged mined with BTC, 90% of generation goes to foundation, 10% to miners
-IXC IxCoin merged mined with BTC, premined 580k coins but still alive
-NVC NovaCoin - scrypt hashing[like LTC] , proof of stake [like PPC] , controversial start
-FRC Freicoin - back alive. 4.89% anual demurrage. for the first 3 years 80% block subsidy goes to foundation, 20% to miners
-BTE Bytecoin- the 1:1 bitcoin copy, nothing changed. extremally high starting hype/hashrate.
-BBQ BBQCoin- forgotten after 51% attack on launch, now revived and active. super fast version of LTC.
-MNC Mincoin- similar to BBQ, but very bad launch giving 10% of all coins to insiders.
-FC FeatherCoin- LTC clone with 4x more coins. welcomed by community with big hashrate and superb reception.
-LQC Liquidcoin made to be very fast at constant difficulty, dead [pool closed, exchange closed]
-SC Solidcoin - dying (10-20% fee), designed to improove IxCoin, hard to be neutral on this one, 1.0 was a premine scam, 2.0 says BTC is pyramid scheme.
-GG Geist Geld experiment on BTC algorithm, how fast can it go? just for sience.
-TBX Tenebrix great idea of cpu-friendly mining with scrypt, but premined with 7.7milion coins - alive but little support due to premining
-FBX Fairbrix - Tenebrix without the premine, bad launch, alive but little support.
-I0C I0coin - ixcoin without the premine. Dead
-CLC Coiledcoin - some nice ideas, but killed in 51% attack
-RUC Rucoin - copy of bitcoin, only difference is that it was developed in russian not english.than reborn much different, not confirmed if it is the same blockchain, both scrypt[like LTC] and sha256d , nice client !warning! not opensource ! dying again
-TimeKoin - PHP webbased coin, alive but not used or traded.
-Beertokens -abitious [impossible?] try to stabilize price against commodity.
-MMM MMMcoin - Dead coin by notorious scamer SPMavrodi, named "yes we can" "my mozem mnogoye"
eCash historical try for digital curency by David Chaum, operational but died.
DigiCash was the company that made eCash . Possibly where Bitcoin came from.
Ripples (XRP) - , no mining - all coins available at start 80% foundation, and 20% develeopers. centralized, not opensource. not designed to be a currency, but an IOU exchange. Very innovative and usefull, but "not a coin"
Amazon Coin - centralized private scrip launched by Amazon and pegged to USD, not cryptographic at all, just a name.
WEEDS never realy active and now dead - ... #msg300830
Groupcoin - still alive but never realy active
Opencoin - opensource version of digicash, , not launched yet
RealPay 100% coins at start, centralized, never realy launched ,site is dead;topic=62565.0
Qubic coins are produced at the rate determined by quorum of miners, not set by developers. Never launched.
Swiftcoin company operated, centralized and pegged, not opensource